Tommy John

SeekHow do we turn a hidden, low-involvement product into a shareable, high-engagement brand?
RevealThe first thing you put on in the morning is the last thing you think to upgrade.
BelieveNo Adjustment Needed, a platform that awakened people to the problem (adjustment epidemic) in order to open them to our solution (adjustment-free underwear).

Making Undershirts Relevant
Having successfully tackled underwear, we next shined a spotlight on undershirts and the discomforts that guys had become too programmed to just deal with.

Attracting Kevin Hart
The brand got the attention of Kevin Hart, who became an investor and with whom we worked to launch his new collection and bring the Tommy John promise to more men.

Launching A Women's Line
It was finally time to help women overcome the uncomfortable, so we launched Tommy John for women in a way that avoided cliches by keeping it real.