Knob Creek

SeekHow can the original small batch bourbon reclaim relevance in the category it helped create?
RevealBe less big and bold; instead, champion the facets of a full life.
BelieveThis Creek Runs Full, a new brand platform for Knob Creek to connect the story of its full-flavored whiskey with the beliefs of those who drink it.

Creating Whiskey & Eggs
We brought the brand’s ethos to life for fans at major food and music festivals throughout the country where they got a first-hand taste into the full story and full flavor behind every bottle of Knob Creek.

Unveiling The Smokehouse
We served up handmade smoked cocktails along with chef-inspired culinary pairings as part of a series of educational pop-up series for whiskey fans to better understand the painstaking process of Knob Creek’s pre-prohibition style whiskies.

Serving Luck Reunion
We sent some of our own flavor of Kentucky down to the annual Luck Reunion held at Willie Nelson’s Ranch in Texas where handcrafted Knob Creek cocktails topped off with smoked garnishes welcomed whiskey lovers into a full sensory experience.